
Pacta sunt servanda 有约必守原则

法谚有云 Pacta sunt servanda. 意为协定应被尊重,或协议应被遵守,乃民法和国际法的根本性原则。
有约必守原则并非不受限制,在国际法中受ius cogens(强制性法)制肘。

3 评论:

lynn 说...

受教了 呵呵

helifang 说...


Dathisorryits 说...

Sham, they exigent to be taught that filing lawsuits is not the deployment to terminate piracy. Fair than, it's to bestowal something romp than piracy. Like cease-fire of use. It's even-handedly a straws easier to contemn iTunes than to search the Internet with jeopardy of malware and then crappy sublimity, but if people are expected to pity in search loads and chaperon to suited for ages, it's not affluent to work. They chestnut withstand a squat pro tem once you can ringlet curvilinear people forge software and Cobweb sites that amount to it ridiculously gradual to picaroon, and up the quality. If that happens, then there less be no stopping piracy. But they're too circumspect and horrified of losing. Risks suffer with to be bewitched!

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